The Hole Story ESG

Potholes Often Ignored of True Impact

  • Pavement roughness reduces fuel efficiency
  • Plant batched materials rely more on virgin mined resources, consume large production energies, release high carbon emissions, and require heavy hauling transportation
  • Conventional repairs requires batch plant coordination, longer fulfillment lines, and more continuous equipment idle times
  • Potholes lead to noisier roads increasing urban noise pollution
  • Potholes produce debris as pavement dislodges. Traffic disintegrates broken pavement generating air pollution, sediment in drainageways, water and wastewater systems
  • Internet sales increase local road use and widespread structural damage increasing likelihood of potholes
  • Ignored potholes lead to more extensive repair, magnifying greenhouse gas emissions from material production, emissions associated with construction delay and traffic congestion

Pothole Related Deaths and Accidents

  • 24 million children, approximately ½ of nation’s k-12 school population ride on 450,000 school buses 180 days per year
  • Family caregivers provide 1.4 billion rides per year to older adults (AARP)
  • 50,000 ambulances make 60 million trips a year
  • Trucks carry 32 million tons of goods on roads every day
  • 240 million registered vehicles travel 2.9 trillion miles annually
  • The average annual cost for vehicle repairs is $600. Repairs typically involve tires, braking systems, suspension systems, rims, mounts, alignments, and exhaust systems
  • 63% of Americans do not have the cash on hand to pay for repairs therefore incurs $millions in consumer interest bearing debt
  • The American Society of Civil Engineers calculate that deteriorating roads will diminish U.S. business growth and cost businesses $260 billion between now and 2025.

Potholes Cost Billions of Tax Dollars

  • Failure to spend $1 in pothole repair typically results in $7-$10 of cost a few years later
  • Reworked potholes cost thousands of dollars, and hundreds of safety sensitive labor hours
  • Lawsuits and settlements due to potholes are expensive to public and private property owners
  • Governments mostly rely on public reporting of potholes, a reactionary repair methodology
  • Improved fuel economies mean less gas tax, while miles driven by vehicles rise and roads deteriorate – Potholes are a top public complaint
  • Public Agencies have many critical responsibilities, one of which is taking initiative, to deliver competitive and efficient service – Potholes are low hanging fruit with high return
  • Goals and outcomes for infrastructure funding by the federal government are lacking. According to the transportation director at the General Accounting Office. “There’s limited data or evidence on what kind of returns we get from the federal investment dollar.”